Except that this very post is doing just that, isn't it?
Look, don't get me wrong, I am ALL about inclusivity. My practice has been from day one open to ANYONE who needed my services. I provide a LGBT safe space, and humbly serve members of the community.
What bothers me is the corporate commercialization of PRIDE for PROFIT. Businesses (big and little) who don't give a flying fig about the LGBT community in their day to day, but see an opportunity to capitalize. Businesses (big and small) that commit microaggressions without apology, and who when called out on same bring white fragility and crocodile tears to the table.
So you won't see me breaking out the Rainbows or getting in PRIDE merch, because PRIDE isn't about me (a cishet woman), it isn't about my business. IT IS ABOUT those individuals who have had to fight daily to be treated with dignity and respect, to have proper (not preferred) pronouns used, to feel safe holding their partners hand in public, to feel safe using the bathroom in public, to feel safe JUST EXISTING IN PUBLIC.
So if you take ANYTHING away from this post, please take away this: PRIDE MONTH is important to the LGBT Community who needed to RIOT just to be recognized. It is the very public reminder that they are still fighting for many of the things we cishet white people take for granted. But if you don't support LGBT 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 4.5 weeks a month, 12 months a year put your Rainbow shirts, glitter products and flags away. PRIDE is not an opportunity to further damage a community by seeking to PROFIT from it.